So we had our first appointment with the Napro doctor and it went well. The doctor thinks I have about an 80 percent chance of having endometriosis. My husband and I want to continue treatment there and may consider doing a surgery that was recommended. This will all have to wait until the new year though, as our insurance is currently at the highest deductible offered through my husband's job. Thankfully, we are in open enrollment now, so we can choose the higher premium plan that will allow us to pay co-pays for any doctor visits/surgery needed for next year.
I am so happy we are moving forward. We plan to learn how to chart soon, so we'll be ready for the testing that may be needed next year. Next year seems so far away, but it's only less than three months. So, three more cycles to go and we will be on our way to finding out what is wrong. Until now, I have been trying on my own to figure out if diet changes help and basically doing most of the research online myself. It's been hard to know what is the right thing to do. I've read so many nutrition and diet books geared towards optimum health. So I'm happy to just be following orders now, because I can get carried away with trying to control everything myself.
My doctor confirmed that eating a vegetarian diet, as well as exercising and using a heating pad are all good ways to alleviate the pain during my periods and pain possibly due to endo. And, we have been avoiding dairy for a long time now, and that is supposedly good for all this as well. Basically a no dairy, no gluten, and low animal protein diet is optimal. The more veggies and fruits the better. That seems to be the only consistent piece of information throughout all the diet and nutrition books written. No one argues that one!
All in all, the first meeting went well. Thank the good Lord! I pray that God continues to guide us through this journey and all that comes with it. I have complete trust that God will help us have the big family we dream of!
So glad your appointment went well! Try and diet! I bet it works for you. I recently cut out dairy and gluten (because of food intolerances) and it made a big difference in how I felt (less fatigued) and I even lost some weight (a bonus surprise). It's something you could do these 3 months while you wait for the insurance to change. Just a thought.