Saturday, March 3, 2012


Well, I did make it to P+17 but ended up getting my period late that night. It started with really light spotting and I thought there could still be hope, maybe this won't turn out to be my period but just spotting. But the next morning I needed motrin and confirmed my period started the night before.
I don't know why I was late this cycle. My LP is usually pretty stable and only once was P+16. I guess P+17 is not that much later, but to me it seemed like a big deal. Plus with my faint/throwing up episode a week prior, and normal HSG results, I feel like I had more hope than other cycles. And still nothing. What does this mean? Am I doing something wrong? Is there reason to have hope this new cycle or the next? Is my diet the problem? I feel so confused. I feel like I'm trying to fine tune my diet so much and then I question myself, maybe my diet is part of the problem. I know people have relief from their period pains when they avoid both gluten and dairy, but don't people say that it's good to eat lots of dairy when you're trying to get pregnant? Ugh! So much conflicting advice, it makes me crazy! I just want to forget everything diet related, and just eat whatever I want. It doesn't seem to be helping much anyway. But then again, I do have less painful periods while avoiding gluten and dairy. Ahh, I'm so confused. I just want to do whats right and what will most likely lead to a pregnancy. Isn't that what we all want? I hope I'm not avoiding foods that would help me conceive. Any suggestions or advice?


  1. Sorry you're confused. Making it to P+17 is the worst! How long have you been avoiding dairy and gluten? If you do feel better, stick with it!!! I avoided dairy, gluten, eggs, and sugar (because of the results of a food intolerance test) for the most part (95% of the time) for 3 months before we conceived. I don't know if that was the missing link for conception or not, but I will say I felt lots better leaving those items out of my diet and I also lost a little weight and bloating as a result. Up your fruits and veggies if you're thinking about conception, but keep off the dairy and gluten for awhile longer and see what happens! Just my 2 cents worth based on my experience.

  2. I agree with PPIW, if you feel better avoiding certain foods, keep it up! What does your doc say about it? Sorry about P+17, that is so frustrating. I was like that a lot too....made it to P+18 once and I swear that's the definition of torture. Maybe it was a fluke, you might've caught a bug or something that messed with your cycle.

  3. I hate it when P+17 turns into CD1 -- it's happened to me two months in a row. It's the worst!!!

    I've been gluten-free for almost three years and I consume a tiny bit of goat dairy, but it doesn't always agree with me. I also have a bit of full fat yogurt in my smoothie and it doesn't bother me.

    Being gf has made a huge difference in my life. I suspect that I have had an allergy my entire life. I sought the help of a naturopath and she helped me with my gf diet when I started. I couldn't have done it without her!
