I have been lazy in the blog department. I have been reading your blogs and keeping you all in prayer, and I hope to be back now that I am feeling much better!!
I am officially in my second trimester and my energy level has increased, along with my appitite and overall sense of feeling good. My doctor refers to the second trimester as the "honeymoon" trimester, and I would have to agree! My husband and I have felt some movements that we think are our little peanut, and that has been just amazing. In a couple weeks, we'll find out if we're having a boy or a girl. No real feelings either way, but my husband said he had a dream early on that baby is a girl. We shall see!
It was this blog post that encouraged me to comment and share my positive experience with diet changes. I was becoming quite the lurker before this, but realized that I've been feeling better, there's no excuse now for me to be lazy with the blogging. :) Prayers going out to you, GIMH, I want to encourage you to have hope in strengthening your body through nutrient dense foods. I've read about people curing their cancer, going COMPLETELY off their insulin through a raw whole foods diet.
Why can't fertility be helped through diet changes? There is no reason it can't. Here are some of the books that have helped me in my journey to heal my body, from very painful periods, anxiety and mild depression to infertility:
I consider these books required reading for all who are serious about taking their health into their own hands and seeing results! Wow, I sound like an advertisement!! Don't worry, I'm not being paid to say any of this. :)
I have so much hope for all those still waiting! Please know you are in my daily prayers.
Diet is definitely a helper! I know Dr. H recommends the anti-inflammatory diet a lot. And, 2nd tri is the best! :)