Monday, July 16, 2012

Thank you

I've been meaning to write a thank you post for a while now.  God's grace has been with me these past few days and I know it's because of all your prayers.  We have our second ultrasound in two days and I'm feeling okay about everything.  I really feel like everything is going to be alright with our baby.  What a blessing it is to not worry!!  God is in control and I trust in Him!

In other news, I was told I could stop my progesterone last week.  I had a blood test this morning just to confirm that I don't need to go on a lower dose.  It feels weird not having had a shot last Thursday, the muscle in my back side is thankful!!  Even if I need to continue the 100mg twice a week, that's fine.  But it sounds like I may not need any at all or at least a smaller dose may be all I require.  That was a nice piece of good news last week.  I'm thankful my body is producing enough progesterone now and pray it continues. 

Please continue to keep me and baby in your prayers.  I will update as soon as I can after my second ultrasound!


  1. That is great about your progesterone, and I'm so glad your spirits are high! Keep us posted!

  2. I've been praying the Memorare for your intentions daily (Luke & I pray for you at his bedtime ... I hope children's prayers count extra!). It is great to hear that your body is producing progesterone so much better! Hooray!
    I'll be waiting for your update about your ultrasound! And praying it goes well!!!
