Friday, September 21, 2012

Normal Results, Names and more

Thank you for your prayers for me as I waited for the results of my glucose test.  The results, thank the Lord, were normal!  You know, at my birth class, the two other couples were talking about how they were either told to fast prior to the ONE hour test or at least to avoid fruit and maybe have something like an egg for breakfast prior to the test.  I did none of that.  In fact, I was kind of caught off guard when I was handed the sugary drink for the first time, but figured it'd all be fine.  Before my appointment, I had fruit and other random snacks, like chips and salsa, almonds, water...I think I just forgot or didn't think it'd be a big deal if I ate.  But now I'm wondering if that's what caused me to fail the first test.  Oh well, it's over now, I passed the three hour long test and am feeling so much relief.  I mean, my diet has been pretty restrictive already, and to think I would have to alter it even more, ugh.  Don't get me wrong, I totally would have done it, but it's just a relief to know that the way I've been eating hasn't been adversely effecting the little one.

Speaking of "the little one", names have been on our brain for a while now and I have been the one tossing and turning them in my head.  My husband is pretty set on one name, and it is super popular right now.  It starts with an EM and end with a MA.  hehe, it's Emma.  I like the name but am worried will it be too popular?  I do like it a lot still, but find myself having reservations at times.  Her name would be Emma Marie if we chose that.  I also like, Lucia, Maria, Miriam, Genevieve, Josephine (only for middle name, like Maria or Miriam Josephine), Mary Rose, Therese or many beautiful girl names and this is what makes it so difficult!  If you have any ideas, likes, suggestions, please feel free to comment.

Oh, and an update on my anxiety medicine.  I'm officially off it and have been feeling good!  Praise the Lord!!  I have my moments, but life is so different now than it was when I started taking it, so the stability I have now has made a world of difference.  Please say a prayer I don't need to go back on after I deliver.  I know some people think it's not that bad while breastfeeding, but I'd really prefer not to be taking anything because I feel strongly that it does enter the bloodstream, breast milk and so on and so forth...

Well, that's all for now.  I hope you're all doing well.  I am praying God's peace and love comfort you today, especially those who are in most need of my prayers in this blogging community.


  1. I am glad you are doing well. Hooray for a good test results. I know how stressful that can be waiting for the phone calls. I love the name, Emma. I have a niece named Emily. Such great name choices for little girls! God Bless!

  2. We have the same problem with the name Emily. I love it - but we just can't do it. I also fear Emily is on the way out, we're at the tail end of it. But to each his own - Emma is a really pretty name, and if it feels right for you, go for it anyway!

  3. We liked the name Emma too!!! :-). If you like it, do it. Just pick a good middle name in case there are 10 Emma's or Emily's in the class ... She can use her middle name instead. Here, the name Emily is more popular.
    I'm so glad you passed the glucose test! Hooray !
