Happy (belated) Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a wonderful day filled with loving family and friends and good food. :) We had friends over for an early Thanksgiving dinner and then we went to my parent's house for the remainder of the day. It was nice having our friends come over, it encouraged us to clean the house more than we would have and we (by "we" I mean, my husband, ha!) were able to cook a full Thanksgiving meal and now leftovers fill our fridge. My husband is happy, he loves leftover turkey. We were successful in having a gluten and dairy free meal, too. Basically, we just substituted butter for Earth Balance Buttery Spread, and for the stuffing, we used brown rice bread and made a nice homemade version of Stove Top Stuffing. It was really good! We had pumpkin pie made with almond milk and the best chocolate pudding ever - I still need to get the recipe from my friend. I think she used Carob powder (which is a naturally sweet, naturally non-caffeinated cocoa powder, dairy free chocolate chips, corn starch, vanilla and almond milk. It was so. good. Everything was a success, but man was I exhausted! Just having people over tires me out. I don't mind going to my parents house, but for some reason, I'm feel way overwhelmed when we have company. I keep telling myself, from here on out until after baby arrives, I need to say no to company. I don't want to be rude, but I need to conserve my energy and rest as much as I can when I'm not eating or doing exercises. I have no idea how long my labor will be, or when I'm going to be IN labor, so I want to be well rested at all times.
Today, my husband and I plan to make gingerbread cookies. I'll be able to help and relax when I need to, so I'm not worried about getting too tired. I'm excited. I love the smell and of course the taste of homemade gingerbread cookies!
I have been noticing more frequent and obvious braxton hicks contractions. It helps when I eat something, but this morning I noticed that they were still coming even after I had eaten. I guess they will continue to come and only get stronger, more frequent, and closer together as the days go by. This coming week I will be 39 weeks, so baby could come any day now!
We have been strongly considering the name Gianna for our little one. It's funny because at first, I really really liked it, and my husband had reservations, and now it's switched. My husband is 100% on board with the name and even said, "if we could tell the nurse her name now, I would want to tell her Gianna" and then silly old me over here is all like, but wait, what about Maria or what about Mary? For some reason I've always felt unsure when my husband is super sure. Oh well. Oh, and that reminds me. The name Emma has lost it's charm for my husband, so we've moved on from that one.
Well, that's pretty much all for now. Oh, I should really get a belly shot up here before baby takes up her new residence outside of me! I think I'll ask my husband to do that today.
I hope everyone is having a great weekend! God bless!
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