Saturday, April 13, 2013

100th Post!

Was just doing some housecleaning on my blog. Since I'm still not comfortable with people IRL stumbling upon this blog, I have been removing the photos from it. There weren't that many anyway, so it didn't take long. I may end up going private soon, I'm not sure.  I do want to still share photos with my long time readers and think a private blog may be the way to go. We'll see.

Anyway, upon doing said housecleaning, I noticed I had 99 posts published thus far!  Naturally, I couldn't leave without posting my 100th post!!  So, here we are! 

It's so hard to believe that I started this blog in 2011 and here I am in 2013, still goin' strong.  I feel a little bad about not letting on to people IRL about this gem of a blog, but not bad enough to share it with them.  So, dear readers, consider yourselves the lucky ones!! ;)  You get to read all about lil' old me and my daily happenings.  Aren't you so happy? hehe

1 comment:

  1. I feel very lucky! But how will I get my pictures of G? I want in on the private blog if you do it. :)
