Monday, January 16, 2012

Gluten and I

I am trying to avoid gluten pretty strictly.  In fact, I have noticed a definite increase in anxiety when I eat something with gluten in it.  Perhaps I am more sensitive now that I've been avoiding it for a while now?  I don't know.  One of my siblings has Celiac disease and it was after she got diagnosed that my Mom and I started trying to eat less bread and things with gluten in it.  After I started avoiding gluten, I noticed my headaches, sinus stuffiness and anxiety all started getting much better.  I just feel better not eating it.  I have been tested for an allergy to gluten, however, I had been avoiding it for a while before the test so when the test came back negative, I wasn't convinced.  My Napro doctor said that I shouldn't waste money on a retest if I know I'm feeling better without gluten.  The annoying thing is, it's hard to explain to other people why I'm avoiding it. I can't say, oh I have celiac disease.  I usually just say I have an allergy.  Oh, and I almost forgot one of the biggest beneftits I've noticed being off gluten - my menstrual cramps aren't as bad (I also stopped dairy at this time too, so both dairy and gluten have contributed to the less painful periods.  They're still painful, but not as bad as they were prior to avoiding gluten and dairy).  I think that a gluten allergy can be linked to infertility.  Is there any research out there on that?   I know I could ask dr. goog(le) but I trust you ladies more.  One of the reasons my Napro dr. was suspicious of endo with me was becauase I told her that my painful periods got a little better once I started avoiding wheat and dairy.  She said that if those dietary changes are helping that could be a sign I have endo.
Do you ever write a post and are not sure where it's going?  That's me right now.  I guess I want to let people know that if they are up for cutting out gluten for two weeks and seeing how they feel, they may be very happy they did.  I know I am!  Oh, and I don't miss bread.  I think my cravings for gluten and my cravings in general have all been calmed since I took the leap and cut all gluten out. 
Well, I'm off to do the dishes before the husband comes home.  Have a nice night!


  1. Yeah, your doc is probably right...a diet focused on foods with anti-inflammatory properties is proven to be good for endo. If you want to talk all things GF, Sew is your gal! She's the GF queen! Jellybelly can help you in that area too.

  2. I had an IgG blood test to check for food sensitivities, and all things gluten came up really high (meaning I have an extremely high sensitivity to them). I tested negative for celiac disease, but still avoid gluten. I tell people I'm insensitive to body reacts too highly too it. Maybe that's something you could tell people?? That you're intolerant to it, not necessarily allergic?? Just a thought. Stick with it if you feel better. It will definitely help with your fertility!!

  3. I'm supposed to be (and trying to be) on the Endometriosis Diet, as recommended by Dr. Keefe @ Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha, NE. I had surgery for Endo in late Sept 2010 and Dr. has told me to keep more painful periods & inflammation away, to do the diet. She thinks inflammation is a reason why I haven't conceived yet. The Endo Diet avoids gluten, dairy, red meat, sugar, etc. I forget the rest, but its alot of "avoids".
    I do what I can with my diet to avoid what I can, but I think its fabulous that you have found your AF pain is better w/o waiting for a doc to tell you! I do think there's a connection there myself.
