Monday, January 23, 2012

Low Fat Vegan Diet Is Ideal

It's been a while since I've written.  I think that's because I am trying not to complain and focus on negative and sad feelings.  It's really hard though.  One thing that's really bothering me right now is that all my friends are on Fa.cebook.  I think I've called 4 of my friends /relatives today and each time I've had to leave a message.  Why aren't people picking up their phones anymore?  I'm convinced it's because we all have cell phones and we can choose to just let it go to voice mail.  Especially if we're busy and / or would rather talk to that person later.  I know everyone is busy and I should not take it personally.  It's just lonely when you're not on and that seems to be the main way to stay in touch with people now.  Instead of being on I am working on charting and also busying myself with my part time home business.  And right now I'm not liking either.  I'm frustrated.  My charts are not showing anything glaringly wrong so I'm left wondering what is the problem??  Why are we having a difficult time conceiving?  Only God knows.

On Saturday my husband and I watched The Gerson Miracle.  If you haven't seen it, you must.  It's a true story and the Gerson Institue really exists.  A place where cancer paitents go for alternative medicine.  They skip chemo and any mainstream procedures and go straight to a major diet change.  Within weeks, people have reported healing and are free of cancer.  We stumbled upon this movie on our Hul.uplus movie list in the health section. I actually thought it was a sign from God.  I'm not kidding!  The reason is, I've also read the book The Ch.ina Study and both this book and the movie we watched were in line with each other.  My husband and I have been trying to drink "green drinks" (blended organic greens and fruit in a V.ita.mix blender- great way to get your vegetables btw) since we first read The China S.tudy.  I have been trying to limit meat (much harder for my husband) and incorporate more fruits and vegetables through blending green drinks and things like that.  Anyway, this movie helped get me back on track.  I really felt like God was pointing me in a direction that was more diet-change oriented.  I am already gluten and dairy free, and now I want to get more serious about limiting animal products.  Basically both the movie and the book I've mentioned above advocate a low fat vegan diet.  In my case, I would also add to that gluten free.  I want to heal my body of whatever is wrong and the thought of expensive surgeries and so many blood tests and ultrasounds just makes my head dizzy.  I feel overwhelmed and sad.  Sad to think what if those things don't even work?  Money and time wasted.  And would a surgery even heal me?  Would it really address the root cause?  Already, we haven't learned much from charting.  I know I have painful periods, but since they've been helped somewhat from a gluten and dairy free diet, I am willing to go further and limit animal products all together. 

There are many interesting things the book and movie above brought to our attention.  The first is that our teeth as humans are vastly different from animal teeth.  Besides that, we have much longer, twistier (a word?) intestines which are designed to pass food slowly through them.  This fact is ideal for plant based foods, because our bodies have the maximum time to seek out nutrients as they pass through.  This fact is not ideal for the digestion of animal products.  An animal's intestines, on the contrary, are short and straight, making them perfect for the digestion of animal products (freshly caught meat).  The meat an animal eats passes through it's body before the meat has a chance to age and turn bad.  Animal products should not be in our bodies for long.  First, the product is already dead, and so the longer it stays in our bodies, the worse off we are.  These two physical differences between humans and animals help aide in the argument that we're not designed to eat animal products. 

But what about protien, you're probably wondering.  The Ch.ina Study goes into that in depth.  The recommended amount of daily protein, it argues, is way over the actual amount humans need to thrive.  We simply don't need the high protein content found in animal products.  The coolest thing I learned from this book is that cows milk is actually very difficult for our bodies to assimilate.  Animal products in general, produce an acidic environment in our bodies thus requiring calcium to help regulate the internal pH balance.  The calcium is often taken from bones in order to break down and digest cow milk protein.  Whew.  If you are skeptical about this, I just would say to look at how eastern cultures eat and notice the lower incidence of cancer and diseases in general.  The western standard American diet is simply not healthy.  We push a high animal protein diet and to top it off, we fill ourselves with processed junk food. Western diseases are actually acquired by those who have immigrated to our country, due solely from their having adapted the standard American diet.  When I learned that, I thought, wow, healthy immigrants are unknowingly paying a high price with their health just from adapting our eating habits.  Food, I'm telling you, is the only game changer.  It's what we put in our bodies that determines the pH of our whole system.  If it's too acidic, which animal products are, then our body must work harder to keep the inflammation and pH under control.  

I've actually wanted to write a post about the green drinks we make and my thoughts on The C.hina Study.  It just hadn't happened yet.  But the movie this weekend fueled my fire again and I felt inspired to share this all with you.  I'd love to hear what you think.  It's definitely not an easy concept because we are all so accustomed to hearing that meat and dairy are good for us.  We need protein, we need calcium!  Of course we do.  But we don't need as much as the market tells us we do.  And the crucial part is, we can get both protein and calcium and our bodies will have a much easier time assimilating them (incorporating and using them) when they come from plant based foods.  I challenge you to challenge the mainstream thought about which foods are good for us.  And then let me know your thoughts.


  1. I can't really weigh in on the food stuff b/c right now my diet is crap! Ack! But I will say, my charts were similar...nothing majorly wrong that I could see. But surgery revealed (and repaired!) lots of endo and blocked tubes. Without surgery I would never have conceived.

  2. I believe diet has a major factor in health ... and like you mentioned with the meat and dairy being unhealthy, I agree. I'm interested in watching the movie you recommended ... I'm hoping it motivates me more than ever. I'm simply blown away by the calcium being taken from our bones to digest animal products.
    I think its great that you're changing your diet! What are you doing to replace milk and cheese? They are the two hardest products to live without.

    1. We like almond milk if we are eating cereal or something. Occasionally we'll drink rice milk, too. Both are pretty good! Beware of the sugar content in some brands though. But honestly, I haven't really missed milk. I've never been a huge milk or ice cream person. Cheese is another story though! That was hard to say no to at first. Now I don't miss it at all, unless of course I see others enjoying it. An interesting thing I noticed though, before giving up dairy, I used to have pretty noticeably dark under eye circles and since giving up dairy they've gone away. I used to have to use concealer under my eyes, but now I just add a little blush and powder and I'm ready to go! I'm pretty sure that my lack of under eye circles has been the biggest motivator in staying away from cheese. I know, I'm so vain! :)

    2. After giving up dairy I learned that under eye circles can be a sign of an allergy to dairy. And I always thought they were from not enough sleep.
