Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Eventful Day!

Today was a wild one. This morning my friend and I volunteered to pray with a group from our church at the local p.lanned parenthood. It was a good turn out and I think I'd like to go back to pray with everyone each month. After, we went to a friend's house for a fat tuesday brunch. There wasn't too much there for me to eat, avoiding both gluten and dairy does kind of limit my selection when at someplace new. I always like to make a good impression when meeting people for the first time, don't we all? That's why I thought I'd go ahead and pass out after using the bathroom and then proceed to throw-up everything I had just eaten! Yes, you read that right. It's bad enough feeling sick and throwing up in the comfort of my own home. Forget at someone else's house, my very first time visiting! Ha! I even got to leave with a lovely thank-you-for-coming gift, my newly aquired throw-up bucket! Yes! I can't wait to visit again real soon. You may be wondering what the heck I ate? Nothing too unusual, I had some fresh fruit, fruit snacks, a juice box and I was eating the broccoli out of a small piece of quiche. I tried to avoid the cheese and didn't eat any of the crust but I wonder if there were small pieces of cheese that bothered me. Do fruit snacks have gluten? I thought no, but my husband told me after he thought they did. I noticed sharp pains in my stomach after eating the above foods and then while in the bathroom I started feeling super hot and sweaty. I thought, oh no, this is the first time I've ever been over here and I'm going to be sick. I left the bathroom and motioned to my friend that we had to leave now, but the next thing I knew I was on the kitchen floor with people over me asking if I'm okay. I've never truely fainted before, so this was all new! Then I laid on their couch and threw up after some very sharp pains a couple times. I'll spare you the details on the vomitting, let's just say I was very happy to get that food out of my system! I'm home now feeling much better. What a wild morning though!


  1. Oh no! That sounds awful. Hope you're feeling better real soon.

  2. I agree with PPIW! Sounds terrible. I'm so sorry! Hope you are feeling better.

  3. Ugh! How mortifying!!!
    I've passed out in front of people / at people's houses and its no fun. But I've not thrown up at someone's house, that I can recall. I'm so sorry you had that happen to you. I had to read your post twice ... as I couldn't believe that happened!!!!
    I hope you're feeling better.
