Friday, February 10, 2012

Happy Day!

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers!  I thought of you praying for me as I was driving to the appointment and thought how cool it was that people I've never even met before are lifting me up in prayer.  I may not be a fan of FB, but I sure am loving having a blog and getting to know such wonderful ladies through it! 

So, my appointment went well!  The radiologist said that both tubes are open!  Yay!  He showed me some of the images taken and it was pretty cool.  My uterus looked so small!  He said my uterus looked good and didn't notice anything wrong with it (I guess as much as you can tell from an image?  maybe he meant there were no adhesions or growths? I don't know, I wish I had asked for clarification.) Then he showed where the dye was all over the place after it came out of the tubes.  I thought it was so cool!  I'm always fascinated when it comes to the human body and medicine.  I remember having a surgery for a lump in my left breast when I was in high school and afterwards I was so fascinated with surgery and wanted to be a surgeon!  haha.  I dream big!  Anyway, back to my appointment.  I'm so very happy it went well.  And the pain, I noticed some as he was letting the dye flow through.  It felt just as if my period was coming on.  It lasted a couple minutes and then when he was finished and I sat up, the pain was already easing and I felt fine.  I had a little cramping on the way home, but nothing to really complain about.  I didn't need medicine and feel normal now.  So I wouldn't say I'm in the "felt no pain at all" camp, but it wasn't unbearable, thank goodness. 

My husband was asking if the tubes were previously blocked and I wasn't sure how to answer that.  I just know they are open now, so maybe the dye helped open anything that was blocked?  I guess time will tell because I have no clue.  I was so excited and wanted to share the news with my bloggy friends.  I made sure to tell my hubby first though.  :)  haha I'm talking as though it were a pregnancy announcement!  Not that big of a deal, silly me!  My husband would have come with me but had a big meeting he couldn't miss.  So I waited until now to tell you all.  I'm thankful to God for this little gem of good news! :)  Thanks to you ladies for praying for little me. :)  You are the best!


  1. I'm glad you had such a good experience! After a HSG, any dye they run through your tubes could clear up a tiny clog ... I'll be praying that you have some GOOD NEWS soon!

  2. HOORAY for open tubes!!!! That is huge!!! What great news!
