Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fatigue and Prayers for a friend

I've been feeling fatigue lately and it's taken some getting used to.  I think ever since I've stopped the anxiety med I've noticed more fatigue.  Maybe that's just a coincidence?  I don't know.  I have been trying to do the exercises recommended from our birth class, and honestly, if I do anything more (load of laundry, dishes, cooking) I'm pretty much beat and need to rest for the remainder of the day.  Oh, and I sleep in pretty late each morning, so you'd think I'm getting enough sleep - unless the sleep I'm getting throughout the night isn't as restful as it used to be.  Maybe I need an iron supplement.  Is this fatigue normal for the third trimester?  My husband wants me to try to do less around the house (what a good man!) but it's so hard for me.  I feel the need to do this and get that done and I'm making LISTS all. the. time.  My husband comes home to a list of stuff that is crucial (in my mind at least) to get done tonight.  So last night he took out the air conditioner in our bedroom, and did a few other things that had been on my brain and now on my list -ha!  Thank God for my patient and understanding husband, he actually told me that he is less tired after he comes home from work when he does things that are active, so he doesn't mind the list.  He told me that he's like a Labrador Retriever and needs things to keep him busy.  I thought that was the cutest thing ever and it made me feel so much better for giving him stuff to do.  Hehe I love my Lab.
I am in my eighth month now.  All I can say is, praise God!  I have so much joy in my heart at the thought of meeting our little one in about two months.  I still have moments of worry and fear that come, but they generally don't persist after I talk about them to my husband or write about them here.  Praise God for my loving husband and for this wonderful faith-filled community.  Our little corner of the internet is so special.  I just loved seeing so many posts yesterday about St. Therese on her feast day. God and the saints are truly with us all and that is something so very very special.  I'm so thankful I started my own blog just about one year ago.  I was inspired by this wonderful blog to seek napro treatment and start my own blog.  Speaking of this blogger, please pray for her and her family now - your prayers will be most appreciated!!  Have a great week everyone, God bless!


  1. I am SO glad I could help on your napro journey. Your beautiful little one will be here before you know it! And YES that fatigue is totally normal. Growing a person is hard work! :)

    Thank you so much for the prayers!!

  2. I have no idea about the fatigue, but I'm glad you have a happy, helping hubby (hard to find in my house sometimes! ha!)!! I think the nesting phase is hard work!
    Prayers for Hebrews going up!!!

  3. Yay for 8 months, and what a great hubbie! :)
