Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Back To Normal

Today we got our first electrical bill since using the wood stove for our main heating source.  Oh, did I mention we have electric heat in this house?  Very expensive.  Last year at this time we used 114 kWh in electricity and this year we only used 22 kWh in one month.   That translates to only $120 this month compared to about $600 or so.  Pretty significant savings, if you ask me!  So, dear readers, if you are paying too much for oil or electric heat, please consider a wood stove.  Especially if you stay home and can keep the fires burning while your hubby is out winning the bread. ;)

In other news, my in-laws were vising this past weekend.  It was nice to visit with them and it also helped distract me from the start of this new cycle.  Which reminds me, I don't know if I mentioned this before, but my husband and I are different nationalities.  He is Filipino and I am Caucasian.  Sometimes, my visits with the in-laws are kind of tough, because they can speak in their native language and have certain mannerisms that I have been known to misinterpret at times.  My husband was born in the states though, and grew up speaking only English, so at least we are in a similar boat when his parents start talking to each other in their language.  Sometimes I still worry, are they talking about  me?  My husband always assures me that they aren't, even though he can't understand what they're saying either.  Oh well.  The cultural differences that exist have caused me anxiety at times, but we don't really visit with them that often, so it's usually not a big deal.  I was thankful to be back to just the two of us when they left though, we're back to normal here in our home and it feels good.

I took our Christmas tree down yesterday.  For some reason I really like taking all the decorations down once the Christmas season is over.  I really just love Spring and so taking Christmas stuff down is like one step closer to the arrival of Spring.  Winter is not my favorite season.  But I do put up with them for the dawn of Spring! And I love summer, too.  So our house is looking more ordinary-time-ish and I'm loving it.

Well, I better get something to eat, my tummy is growling!


  1. Wow- that's a huge financial savings- awesome. More money for the fertility/infertility/baby fund!!

  2. I'm impressed with your heat $aving$! :-) that's amazing!
    It has to be kind of awkward to not know what your in laws are saying to themselves, but I'm sure they aren't saying anything about you. Maybe it's easier for them to talk in their own language? You have a wonderful hubby and that's what matters. :-)
