Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fall Days

Hi Ladies!  Thanks so much for your comments.  For some reason I am always surprised when I see comments, especially my last post.  I wrote it about random stuff and almost didn't even post anything.  So, thank you!

Okay, so we put a down payment on our wood stove.  The guy at the store must have gotten commission because he was very friendly after we made the purchase. The good news is we should have the stove installed in three to four weeks, a lot sooner than another place could promise us.  We haven't bought wood yet, the essential key to a wood stove, but I'm sure we'll get some at some point. 

So, the meeting went well. She said that things looked promising!  I had gotten my period yesterday, so my cycle was 26 days.  I had four or five days of bleeding, the last day being a little spotting that to me looked kind of redish brown.  She was a little concerned about that and said it could be a sign of low progesterone levels.  Any thoughts, dear readers?  Also, towards the end of my cycle I was having some signs of non-fertile cm, which she said could be helped with a B6 vitamin and also avoiding using dryer sheets (??) Apparently dryer sheets have formaldehyde in them.  Wow, didn't know that one.  She suggested using natural ones or none at all.  So my husband is out buying me a B6 vitamin.  I'm here with my trusty heating pad, thanking God that this cycle's pain has been, for the most part, very manageable!  The instructor said I noted the peak day correctly, mine was on day 11.  I was surprised because the days leading up to peak day had noticeably good quality cm.  Sorry if this is too much info.  I figure you wouldn't be reading if you didn't have exposure to this kind of talk in the first place, so hopefully it's okay.   I also had a day where I didn't chart anything because we left my chart at our house while the power was out (we stayed with my parents who thankfully have a generator!) 

It was kind of funny, I didn't expect to be quizzed at the session with my instructor.  Just basic things, like am I doing such and such each time I check and I had to answer yes or no.  I felt like it was a test and if I got something wrong I'd have to come back many more times to meet with her.  Money is on my mind, so that was a stressful thought.  I know she just wants to make sure I'm checking and charting as accurate as possible to make the findings as "scientific" as possible.  What I didn't particularly like was that she kept trying to show us how we would chart if we were avoiding.  We're not interested in learning that, even though I know it goes hand in hand with learning to chart to try and achieve a pregnancy.  But for pete's sake, why do they have to teach it now?  Oh well.  Oh yeah, and the other thing, she wants us to not abstain completely this month but to not actively try this month.  So maybe that's why they want to teach us how to avoid.  That got me thinking, does she really think I'd become pregnant this month if we just timed it right?  If we "tried"?  Huh.  Then I was upset that she wanted us not to try, what if this could be our month?  I guess she just wants to have another month of charting to verify things.  I need to trust God that this wouldn't be the only month that would work, if it is His will we have a baby, it will be in His time, too.  It's so easy to write that, but such another thing to remind myself that when I need it most.

This is kind of random, but yesterday my neighbor was raking his lawn.  It was really breezy outside, so combine that with my general laziness, I was like "what is he doing raking now?"  Our yard could use a good raking, but neither my husband or myself find it important enough to do.  I mean, I'm writing a blog post, that is way more important than raking!  Anyway, so I'm watching him rake, and all the sudden a huge gust of wind blows from our yard over to his, so all the leaves from our yard migrating to his yard.  I felt bad, but the wind continued to blow all over, so they eventually came back to our yard.  But I did say to myself, see, that's why I'm not raking! :)


  1. Glad your meeting went well! I remember my instructor quizzing DH and I are aspects of charting as well as teaching us how to abstain when we weren't interested in learning that. It might just be part of the Fertility Care protocol.

    From what I remember about brown bleeding (I've had lots) without looking at my notes, it can be a sign of low progesterone in the previous cycle, a sign of infection, and possibly endo. We never discovered why I had brown bleeding, but we were still able to conceive nonetheless!

  2. I concur with PPIW's comments about the brown bleeding being about endo, infection or low progesterone. I've taken antibiotics for my brown bleeding, and after surgery, its really helped. My instructor did the same thing ... very "structural" with her teachings / techniques. It was like you were being graded, but being asked the same questions over and over (and over) again, really have drilled the info into my head. :-)
    That's a really good thing to know about the dryer sheets. I've been using them (and have stocked up on them (ugh!)), so I'll definitely be NOT using them now. THANK YOU!!!
