Monday, April 2, 2012

More Thanksgiving!

Today I had my third blood draw. I can't wait for the results. Last night I had to remind myself to Not take my Prometrium supplement so my doc can see how the one day skip has affected me. Will my body be producing enough progesterone for me to cut back on the 200 mg? We shall see.
I recently received a comment from my first ever prayer buddy and she sweetly informed me that she has never had her prayer buddy prayers result in a pregnancy or adoption before. Well, TCIE, God certainly heard your prayers for me during Advent, and I am SO thankful to you. I was so amazed when I read that you were my Advent prayer buddy, because your blog seems to be THE blog that started this whole online community. Still not quite sure how you got me as your prayer buddy! It must have been all in God's plan. Since God is outside of time, is all knowing and all loving, I think He matched me with you and listened dearly to your prayers for me. He really does hear your prayers. I am your proof. As a thank you, I would like to send you a gift via snail mail. You have my email address, would you email me your mailing address so I can ship something to you? I am going to a Lenten Prayer event tonight and I have the perfect gift in mind for you and your husband!! You are in my thoughts and prayers this holy week and I can't wait to send you something in the mail!


  1. She is pretty amazing! I am so blessed that she's a friend IRL too! :)

  2. Ummm... I'm only like 4 years late on this one ;)

    I emailed you :) Thanks so much for the sweet post.
