Wednesday, March 21, 2012

More Spotting

This morning I noticed more spotting, only this time it was bright red. Is that a bad sign? I woke up to use the bathroom around 3 am and noticed it then, which made it super hard for me to fall back to sleep, wondering if this could possibly be it. Then when my husband left for work, I used the bathroom again and noticed more spotting. Both times it was only on my tissue. Usually if I'm starting my period, I notice it on my underwear first. Right now I'm only on cd22 and 13 dpo. What does this mean?! I usually have a 15 day LP, though one month it was only 14. But to get my period this early, on cd 22, that's really never happened to me before! I think 26 days was my shortest cycle ever. I hope the HSG test I had last month didn't messed up my cycles and cause them to be irregular now. Has anyone had that happen to them? Or maybe it cleared something out and has allowed me to conceive? I think I may try to get some more sleep this morning, even though I really don't feel tired at all after this. Ahhh! St. Joseph, pray for us!!

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, I don't know what it could be. A 13 day lp is kinda short, especially if they are usually 15 days.
